Commercial Geography by Bari, S. A. & Others. Edition: 3Publication details: Bombay ; Sheth Publishers ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Geography 380.091/BAR/Com, ...
Introduction to Politics by Wadhwani, M. R. Edition: 2 revPublication details: Bombay ; Sheth Publishers ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Political Science 320.01/WAD/Int.
Macro Development Economics by Mishra, R. S. Edition: 4th revPublication details: Bombay ; Sheth Publishers ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (6)Location, call number: Economics 330.0/MIS/Mac, ...
Elements of Social Life in India (paper I) by Wadhwani, M. R. & Others. Edition: 8Publication details: Bombay ; Sheth Publishers ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Sociology 306.3/WAD/Ele, ...
International Liquidity by Mohammad, Dost. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; STERLING PUBLISHERS Pvt. Ltd., 1987 ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 337.09/MOH/Int.
Cost Accounting by Kishnadwala, V. H. Edition: 9Publication details: Bombay ; MANISHA PRAKASHAN ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Costing 657.0 MIS/Cos.
Industrial Organization and Management by Kale, N. G. Edition: -Publication details: Bombay ; CHETNA ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Management 658.0 KAL/Ind.
Business Economics: Finance, Trade & Development) by Gaitonde, P. R. & Others. Edition: 6th Publication details: Bombay ; VIPUL PRAKASHAN ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 380.13/GAI/Bus.
Principles of Marketing by Kotler, Philip. Edition: 3rd Publication details: Delhi ; PRENTICE HALL OF INDIA PVT. LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Management 658.802 KOT/Pri.
Busness Communication by Mulgaonkar, & Others. Edition: -Publication details: Bombay ; CHETNA PRAKASHAN ; 1987Availability: No items available.
Economic Theory by Gokhale, S. W. & Others. Edition: 1Publication details: Bombay ; CHETNA PRAKASHAN ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (5)Location, call number: Economics 330.1/GOK/Eco, ...
Commercial Geography (Part I) by Ajwani, M. H. Edition: 10Publication details: Bombay ; VIPUL PRAKASHAN ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Geography 380.091/AJW/Com.
Elements of Mercantile Law by Kapoor, N. D. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; SULTAN CHAND ; 1987Availability: No items available.
Problems and Solutions in Advance Accountancy by Gupta, R. L. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; SULTAN CHAND ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Accounts 657.046 GUP/Pro.
The Indian Economy by Chaudhary, Pramit. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; VIKAS PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Economics 330.954/CHA/Ind, ...
Monetary Theory by Bhatia, H. L. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; VIKAS PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 332.401/BHA/Mon.
Communalism in Modern India by Chandra, Bipan. Edition: 2 revPublication details: Delhi ; VIKAS PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: History 320.532/CHA/Com.
Indian Foreign Policy by Dutt, V. P. Edition: -Publication details: Delhi ; VIKAS PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (2)Location, call number: Reference 327.11/DUT/Ind, ...
Inflation and Accounting Theory by Parchura, Rajas. Edition: 1Publication details: Delhi ; CHOPRA ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Accounts 657.3 PAR/Inf, ...
Public Finance by Aronson, Richard. Edition: -Publication details: London ; PRENTIC HALL INCORPORTATION ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 336.1 ARO/Pub.
General Climatology by Critchfield, Howard J. Edition: 4th Publication details: New Delhi ; PRENTICE HALL OF INDIA PVT. LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Geography 551.6 CRI/Gen.
An Introduction to Indian Economy by Sundharam, K. P. H. Edition: 31Publication details: New Delhi ; R. CHAND ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 330.954/SUN/Int.
Advanced Accounts by Shukla, M. C.& Grewal, T. S. Edition: 11th Publication details: New Delhi ; S. CHAND AND COMPANY LTD. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Accounts 657.046 SHU/Adv, ...
O Jerusalemm ! by Collins, Larry & Lapiere, D. Edition: 13Publication details: Delhi ; TARANG PAPERBACKS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/COL/Oje.
The Chancelor Manuscript by Ludlum, Robert. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; GRENEDA ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/LUD/Cha.
The Bourne Supremacy by Ludlum, Robert. Edition: -Publication details: Culcutta ; RUPA AND COMPANY ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/LUD/Bou.
The Matlock Papers by Ludlum, Robert. Edition: -Publication details: London ; PANTH ; 1987Availability: No items available.
The City of Joy by Lapierre, Dominique. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; ARROW BOOKS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823. 3/LAP/Cit.
Guinness Book of World Records by Russell, Alan. Edition: 1Publication details: Toronto ; BANTOM BOOKS ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Reference R 032/RUS/Gui.
The Law of Success by Hill, Napolean. Edition: -Publication details: Bombay ; TARAPURWALA ; 1987Availability: No items available.
Pulling Your Own Strings by Dyer, Wayne W. Edition: -Publication details: London ; ARROW BOOKS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/DYE/Pul.
The Flame of Attention by Krishnamurthi, J. Edition: 1Publication details: New York ; K F T LTD ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Reference 100/KRI/Fla.
Commentaries on Living by Krishnamurthi, J. Edition: 1Publication details: Bombay ; B. I. PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (3)Location, call number: Reference 100/ KRI/Com, ...
Youth Heart of Darkness : The End of The Tether by Conrad, Joseph. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: English 823.0/CON/You, ...
The Jungle Book by Kipling, Rudyard. Edition: -Publication details: New York ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Government College of Arts & Commerce, Pernemn (1)Location, call number: English Fiction 823 KIP/JUN. The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/KIP/Jun.
The Mill On The Floss by Eliot, George. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/ELI/Mil.
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian by Chaudhary, Nirad C. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; HOGARTH PRESS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: History 920/CHA/Aut.
International Marketing by Kriplani, V. H. Edition: 1Publication details: New Delhi ; PRENTICE HALL OF INDIA PVT LTD ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Management 658.80/KIR/Int.
A History of Economics : The Past as The Present. by Galbraith, John Kenneth. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; HAMISH HAMILTON ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 330.9/GAL/His.
Explorations in Economic Theory of Socialism by Jichkar, Shrikant. Edition: 1Publication details: Nagpur ; CIRFSEPA ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 330.1 JIC/Exp.
Capital Gains at a Glance by Sangani, Narendra M. Edition: 1Publication details: Bombay ; CURRENT LAW PUBLISHERS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Economics 658.153/AN/Cap.
Directory of foreign Colaborations in India by Vyas, N. K. Edition: 1Publication details: Ahmadabad ; AUTHOR ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Reference 332.678 025 VYA/Dir.
The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature by Rogers, Pat. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: GEN 820.9 ROG/Oxf.
Hutchinson Pocket Encyclopedia by Upshall, Michael. Edition: 1Publication details: London ; HUTCHINSON ; 1987Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Encyclopedia R 032/UPS/Hut.