Fundamentals of Financial Management by Van-Horne, James C. Edition: -Publication details: New Jercy ; PRENTIC HALL INCORPORTATION ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Management 658.152 VAN/Fun.
King Cinder by Foster, John. Edition: -Publication details: London ; B.B.C. ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/FOS/Kin.
This Sporting Land by Ford, John. Edition: -Publication details: London ; NEW ENGLISH LIBRARY ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Physical Education 700.0/FOR/Thi.
Theory and Practice of Modern Government by Finer, Herman. Edition: 4 ed 1st Ind repPublication details: Delhi ; SURJEET ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Political Science - Indian Govt. & Politics 320.2 FIN/The.
Fever by Cook, Robin. Edition: -Publication details: London ; McMILON ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: English 823.0/COO/Fev.
Vajra Likhani by Valaulikar, V. Edition: 1Publication details: Goa ; KONKANI BHASHA MANDAL ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (3)Location, call number: Biography Konkani K469/VAL/Vaj, ... Not available: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Checked out (1).
Katha Shilp by Sardesai, Laxmanrao. Edition: 1Publication details: Goa ; JAAG PRAKASHAN ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Konkani Stories / Katha K469/SAR/Kat.
Vascoyan by Padgaonkar, Prakash D. Edition: 1Publication details: Goa ; JAAG PRAKASHAN ; 1977Availability: No items available.
Ecology and Archaeology of Western India by Agarwal, D. P. & Pandey, B. M. Edition: 1Publication details: Delhi ; CONCEPT PUBLISHING COMPANY ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Geography 910.0/AGA/Eco.
Child psychiatry : treatment and research : proceedings of the tenth annual symposium, September 29-October 1, 1976, Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences, Houston, Texas by McMillan, Mae F [Editor] | Henao, Sergio [Editor] | Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences. Publication details: New York : Brunner/Mazel, © 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Psychology 136.7 McM/CHI.
Brief introduction to psychology by Morgan, Clifford T. Edition: 2nd ed.Publication details: New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., © 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Psychology 150 MOR/INT.
Physical chemistry for F. Y. B. Sc. by Gadgil, L. H | Barve, A. A | Dhume, S.C. Publication details: Pune, Narendra Prakashan, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Chem 541 GAD/PHY.
Physical chemistry by Khosla, B.D. Edition: 10th ed.Publication details: New Delhi: R.Chand & Co., 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Chem 541 KHO/PHY.
New concise inorganic chemistry by Lee, J. D. Edition: 3rd ed.Publication details: New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Chem 546 LEE/NEW.
A Textbook of Educational Psychology by Bhatia, Hansraj. Language: English Publication details: New Delhi MCMillan India 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: Psychology 150 MAN/STA. Goa College of Home Science, Campal, Panaji (1)Location, call number: 370.15. Not available: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji: Checked out (1).
PICARESQUE by SIEBER, H. Publication details: London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820.9 SIE/PIC.
Lectures on Analysis by University of Bombay : COSIP-ULP in Mathematics Pub. Publication details: Bombay University of Bombay 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (3).
Lectures on Analysis [part] by University of Bombay COSIP-ULP in Math. Publication details: Bombay University 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Lectures on Analysis [part -I] by University of Bombay:COSIP-ULP inMath. Publication details: Bombay University of Bombay 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
New demensions in Library Science by Iyengar, T.K.S. Publication details: Bombay Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
The changing profile of India Banking by Saxena, J. N. Publication details: Bombay A. D. Shroff memorial Tst 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Waves & Oscillations by Subrahmanyam,N.& Lal ,Brij. Publication details: New-Delhi Vikas Pub.House 1977Availability: No items available.
L ectures on Algebra Part- I by Unicty Bom.COSIP-ULP in Mathematices. Publication details: Bombay University of Bombay 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Manifesto Of the Communist Party by Marx,Karl & Engels,F. Publication details: Moscow, Progress publishers. 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Athanga by Dalawi, Jaywant. Publication details: Bombay Majestic Book Stall 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Davana by More, mahadev. Publication details: Belgaum Navasahitya Prakashan 1977Availability: No items available.
Swagat : Jayaprakash by Deshpande, P.L. Publication details: Pune Sadhan Prakashan 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Pingalavel by Kulkarni, G.A. Publication details: Bombay Popular Prakashan 1977Availability: No items available.
Jareela by Nemade, Bhalchandra. Publication details: Bombay Popular Prakashan 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Sase by Shahane, Manohar. Publication details: Bombay Valmiki Prakashan 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Redgreen by Pednekar, A.N. Publication details: Bombay Abhinav Prkashan 1977Availability: No items available.
Dongara Mhatara Zala by Barve, Anil. Publication details: Pune Majestic Book Stall 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Vegalee by Patil, Vasudha. Publication details: Sholapur Sahitya Basant 1977Availability: No items available.
The Inpact of Science on Society by Russell, B. Publication details: Bombay Blackie & son Publisher Pvt 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
The Sleepcoalkers by Koestler, Arthur. Publication details: Middlesex Pengiun Books 1977Availability: No items available.
The Impact of science on society by Russell, Gertrand. Publication details: Bombay Blackie &son Ltd. 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1).
Mathematical Analysis by Iyer V. Gamapathy. Publication details: New-Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill 1977Availability: No items available.
Algebra by Lang serge. Publication details: London Publishing co, Inc. 1977Availability: No items available.
Analysis I by Lang Serge. Publication details: London Addisam-Wesley Publishing co. Inc. 1977Availability: No items available.