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Astavyasta Bayalo (novel)

by Rao, Malathi | Jog, Sunetra.

Edition: 1Publication details: New Delhi; Sahitya Akademi 2018Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (1)Location, call number: Konkani K4673/RAO/Ast.

Dalits and the democratic revolution : Dr. Ambedkar and the Dalit movement in colonial India

by Omvedt, Gail.

Publication details: New Delhi : Sage Publications, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (3)Location, call number: Political Science 320 OMV/DAL, ...


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