Mukta Shabd by Patil, Yashodhan {Editor}. Publication details: Mumbai; Shabd Publications; Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: journal M891, ...
Lalit by Kothawale, Keshavrao {Editor}. Publication details: Mumbai; Majestic Availability: No items available.
Lalit Masik by Kothawale, Keshavrao {Edoitor}. Publication details: Mumbai Majestic Availability: Items available for loan: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce (2)Location, call number: Periodicals Section M891, ...
Love Sees No Reason : Stories of Love Passion by Ranjan, Reshma. Edition: 1st EditionLanguage: Eng Publication details: Mumbai; Shree Book Centre: 2014Availability: Items available for loan: HPSMs Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal (1)Location, call number: HPS-English Stories 823 RAN/LOV.
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak by Pagdi, Gayatri. Edition: 1st ed.Publication details: Mumbai Indus Source 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Fr. Agnel college of Arts & Commerce, Pillar (1)Location, call number: FAC-GENERAL STACK 923 PAG/LOK.
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak by Pagdi, Gayatri. Edition: 1st ed.Publication details: Mumbai Indus Source 2013Availability: No items available.
Swami Vivekananda by Nandakumar,Prema. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Indus Source Books 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Fr. Agnel college of Arts & Commerce, Pillar (1)Location, call number: FAC-GENERAL STACK 923 NAN.
Science Discovers Eternal Wisdom by Amarendravijayji Muni. Publication details: Mumbai Gnanjyot Foundation trust 2011Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1)Location, call number: 107/ANA/SCI.
The Experience & the Path by Bhuvanchandraji Upadhyaya. Publication details: Mumbai Gnanjyot Foundation trust 2024Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1)Location, call number: 299.93 BHU/THE.
AAlok by Lomate Aasaram. Edition: 6Publication details: Mumbai shabdha publication 2022Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (13)Location, call number: 891.7 LOM/AAL, ... Not available: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa: Checked out (12).
Aalok by Lomate Asaram. Edition: 6Publication details: Mumbai Shabd publication 2022Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 891.7 LOM/AAL.
General Management by Kale, N. G | Mehtab, Ahmed. Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Vipul Prakashan Availability: Items available for loan: DMC -Dnyanprassarak Mandals College and Research Centre, Assagao, Bardez (1)Location, call number: BCOM Circulation Section 658 .
Business Finance S.Y.B.Com Semester III by Sathish, Dr. R. Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Sheth Publishers Availability: Items available for loan: DMC -Dnyanprassarak Mandals College and Research Centre, Assagao, Bardez (1)Location, call number: 338.6041.
Micro Economics F.Y.B.Com. Semester-I Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Sheth Publishers Availability: Items available for loan: DMC -Dnyanprassarak Mandals College and Research Centre, Assagao, Bardez (1)Location, call number: 338.5 MEN - MIC.
Hindi Vivek by Karambalekar Dilip. Publication details: Mumbai Hindusthan Prakashan Sanstha 2025Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1).
Divyamrut by Moraes, J. B. Publication details: Mumbai: Roshan Sahitya Prakashan; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: DCT- Konkani Poetry (K1) K1 MOR/DIV.
How to Enjoy Your Life And Your Job by CARNEGIE DALE. Publication details: Mumbai Golden Minds Publishing House 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Commerce, Borda, Margao (1)Location, call number: English literature's 820 CAR/HOW.
ANIMAL FARM by ORWELL;GEORGE. Publication details: MUMBAI SHREE BOOK CENTRE 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Swami Vivekanand Vidyaprasarak Mandal's College Of Commerce, Shirshire, Bori - Ponda (1)Location, call number: 823 orw.
Mahantechya Dishene Bhag-2 (The Greatness Guide-2) by Sharma, Robin. Edition: 5th Edition.Language: Mar Publication details: Mumbai; Jayko Prakashan House: 2018Availability: Items available for loan: HPSMs Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal (1)Location, call number: HPS-Motivational Book 158.1 SHA/MAH.
Intellectual Property Rights by Kittu R.S | Poddar, Suplab K. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Himalaya Pub. 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 346.048 KIT-PAD.
The Maga Deals of Warren Bufftt by Arnold ,Glen. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 332.6092 ARN/Meg .
The Power of Positive Thinking by Peale , Norman Vincent | Ismaik, Hasan Abdullah. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 158 PEA/Pow.
Alexander the Great by Kurke , Lance. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 658.4092.
Handbook of Event Management by Mistry , Snehalkumar H. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Himalayan Publishing House 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 658.1 MIS/Han.
The Theory of Everything by Hawking , Stephen W. Language: eng Publication details: Mumbai Jaico Publishing House 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 523.1 HAW/The.
Introduction to Basic Science in Nuclear Medicine by Pant, G.S | Vipin, V.J. Language: English Publication details: 2023 Himalaya Pub. MumbaiAvailability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 616.075 PAN-VIP.
God makes the rivers to flow by Easwaran, Eknath. Edition: FourthPublication details: Jaico Publishing House Mumbai 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sanquelim (1)Location, call number: English literature's 823/EAS/GOD.
Shrimadbhagvadgita by Prabhupad. Publication details: Mumbai: Bhaktivedant Book Trust, 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Swami Vivekanand Vidyaprasarak Mandal's College Of Commerce, Shirshire, Bori - Ponda (2)Location, call number: 294.5924 PRA, ...
The Art of Public Speaking by Carnegie, Dale | Carnegie, Dale. Edition: 1st Edition.Language: Eng Publication details: Mumbai; Embassy Books Distributors: 2019Availability: Items available for loan: HPSMs Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal (1)Location, call number: HPS-English Literature 808.51 CAR/ART.
Alok by Lomte, Asaram. Edition: 1Publication details: Mumbai: Shabd Publication 2010Availability: Items available for reference: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Marathi 891.4631/LOM/Aal. Not available: The C.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce: Checked out (4).
Vivek by Mayekar Kavita. Publication details: Mumbai Hindusthan Prakashan Sanstha 2025Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1).
Albert einstein: a biography by Calaprice, Alice. Edition: 1st Ed.Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Jaico 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Fr. Agnel college of Arts & Commerce, Pillar (1)Location, call number: FAC-GENERAL STACK 920 CAL/ALB.
SHADI.ORG by GUPTA; ANKUR. Publication details: MUMBAI PROMAN ASSOCIATION PVT. LTD 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Swami Vivekanand Vidyaprasarak Mandal's College Of Commerce, Shirshire, Bori - Ponda (1).
Hundred great time management ideas by Forsyth, Patric. Publication details: Mumbai Embassy book distributors 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: Management 658 FOR/HUN.
Project management book by Oconnell fergus. Publication details: Mumbai Embassy Books 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: Management 658 OCO/PRO.
hundred great marketing ideas by Blythe jim. Publication details: Mumbai Embassy Book Distributors 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: Management 658 BLY/HUN.
Hundred great presentation ideas by Forsyth Patric. Publication details: Mumbai Embassy book distributor 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: Management 658 FOR/HUN.
Cost and Management Audit: DSE-6 T.Y.B.Com. Sem VI by Vaidya, Sohani Pai. Edition: 1stPublication details: Mumbai Sheth Publishers Availability: Items available for loan: G.V.M's Gopal Govind Poy Raitucar College of Commerce & Economics, Farmagudi, Ponda (1)Location, call number: 657.45 VAI/COS.
Cost and Management Audit: DSE 6 T.Y.B.Com. Sem- VI by Vaidya, Sohani Pai. Edition: 1stPublication details: Mumbai Sheth Publishers Availability: Items available for loan: G.V.M's Gopal Govind Poy Raitucar College of Commerce & Economics, Farmagudi, Ponda (18)Location, call number: 657.45 VAI/COS, ... Not available: G.V.M's Gopal Govind Poy Raitucar College of Commerce & Economics, Farmagudi, Ponda: Checked out (6).
The Oath by Kannan, Preetha Rajah. Edition: 1st edPublication details: Mumbai, Jaico Publishing House, 2024Availability: Items available for loan: VVM's Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics Margao (1)Location, call number: English Novels 954/KAN/Oat.
Head first python by Barry, Paul. Edition: 3rd Publication details: Navi Mumbai Shroff publisher and ditributors Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: computer 005 BAR/HEN.
Interpretable machine learning by Molnar, Christoph. Publication details: Navi Mumbai Shroff publisher and distributors 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: computer 005 MOL/INT.
Introduction to machine learning with python by Muller, Andreas. C | Guido, Sarah. Publication details: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publisher and Distributors Pvt. ltd. 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: computer 005 MUL.GUI.
Vivek by Mayekar Kavita. Publication details: Mumbai Hindusthan Prakashan Sanstha 2025Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1).
Lalit by Kothawale Ashok. Publication details: Mumbai Ashok Kothawale 2025Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1).
Vivek by Mayekar Kavita. Publication details: Mumbai Hindusthan Prakashan Sanstha 2025Availability: Items available for loan: DPM's SHREE MALLIKARJUN & Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Delem - Canacona (1).
Lost art of doing nothing by Willems, Maartje. Aaders, Lona. Publication details: Mumbai Embassy Books 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education, Computer and Management, Vidya Nagar Porvorim (1)Location, call number: Motivational 158.1 WIL.AAL.