Kuiyajaan/ कुइयाँजान by Sharma, Nasira/ शर्मा, नासिरा. Edition: 5th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Samayik Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 SHA/Kui.
Ibne Mariyam/ इब्ने मरियम by Sharma, Nasera/ शर्मा, नासिरा. Publication details: New Delhi Kitabghar Prakashan 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.433 SHA/Ibn.
Ajanabi Jazeera/ अजनबी जज़ीरा' by Sharma, Nasira/ शर्मा, नासिरा. Edition: 2nd Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Lokbharti Prakashan 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 SHA/Aja.
Miljul Man/ मिलजुल मन by Garg, Mridula/ गर्ग, मृदुला. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Samayik Prakashan 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 GAR/Mil.
Maila Aanchal/ मैला आँचल by Renu, Fanishwarnath/ रेणु, फणीश्वरनाथ. Edition: 57th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 REN/Mai.
Muria Aur Unka Ghotul / मुरिया और उनका घोटुल by Elwin, Verrier / एलविन, वेरियर. Edition: 3rd Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2022Availability: Items available for reference: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem: Not For Loan (2)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Literature H572.954 ELW/Mar, ...
Stree Vimarsh Ki Uttar-Gatha / स्त्री विमर्श की उत्तर-गाथा by Anamika / अनामिका. Edition: 2nd.Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Samayik Prakashan 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Literature H891.43 ANA/Str.
Maile Hath / मैले हाथ by Sartre, Jean Paul / सार्त्र, ज़ाँ पॉल. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Drama / Natak H181.4 SAR/Mai.
Vad Vivad Samvad / वाद विवाद संवाद by Singh Namwar / सिंह, नामवर. Edition: 7th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Alochana H891.43009 SIN/Vad.
Shami Kagaz / शामी काग़ज़ by Sharma, Nasera / शर्मा, नासिरा. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.433 SHA/Sha.
Munni Mobile / मुन्नी मोबाइल by Saurabh, Pradeep. / सौरभ, प्रदीप. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ- Hindi Fiction H891.4337 SAU/Mun.
Anamika / अनामिका by Tripathi, Suryakant (Nirala) / त्रिपाठी, सूर्यकांत (निराला). Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Poems H891.43109 TRI/Ana.
Udhar Ki Zindagi / उधार की जिंदगी by Kardam, Jaiprakash. / कर्दम, जयप्रकाश. Edition: 1stPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.43308 KAR/Udh.
Kukurmutta / कुकुरमुत्ता by Tripathi, Suryakant. / त्रिपाठी, सूर्यकांत. Edition: 1st Ed. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Poems H891.431 TRI/Kuk.
Mahanayak / महानायक by Patil, Vishwas. / पाटील, विश्वास. Edition: 11th Ed. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.463 PAT/Mah.
Bhartiya Shiksha / भारतीय शिक्षा by Prasad, Rajendra. / प्रसाद, राजेंद्र. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Literature H370.954 PRA/Bha.
Suraj Ka Satwan Ghoda / सूरज का सातवाँ घोड़ा by Bharti, Dharmveer / भारती, धर्मवीर. Edition: 55th EdPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 BHA/Sur.
Gunahon Ka Devta / गुनाहों का देवता by Bharti, Dharmveer / भारती, धर्मवीर. Edition: 80th EdPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.433 BHA/Gun.
Mannat Aur Anya Kahaniyan / मन्नत और अन्य कहानियाँ by Mauzo, Damodar / मौजो, दामोदर. Edition: 1st EdPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.43301 MAU/Man.
Paul Gomra Ka Scooter / पॉल गोमरा का स्कूटर by Prakash, Uday / प्रकाश, उदय. Edition: 4th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H301 PRA/Pau.
Peelee Chhatari Wali Ladki / पीली छतरी वाली by Prakash, Uday / प्रकाश, उदय. Edition: 5th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.43 PRA/Pee.
Pratinidhi Kahaniyan / प्रतिनिधि कहानियां by Sanjeev / संजीव. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. 2023Availability: Not available: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem: Checked out (1).
Tirichh / तिरिछ by Prakash, Uday / प्रकाश, उदय. Edition: 4th Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.433 PRA/Tir.
Surajmukhi Ke Kheton Tak / सूरजमुखी के खेतों तक by Shrivastava, Ekant / श्रीवास्तव, एकांत. Edition: 1st EdPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Poems H891.431 SHR/Sur.
Dalit Sahitya: Buniyadi Sarokar / दलित साहित्य: बुनियादी सरोकार by Paliwal, Krishnadatt / पालीवाल, कृष्णदत्त. Edition: 3rd EdPublication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Literature H891.4309920664 PAL/Dal.
Patthar Gali / पत्थर गली by Sharma, Naseera / शर्मा, नासिरा. Edition: 3rd Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Stories H891.433 SHA/Pat.
Chune Huye Upanyas / चुने हुए उपन्यास by Pritam, Amrita / प्रीतम, अमृता. Edition: 17th Ed. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Novel H891.42 PRI/Chu.
Aadivasi Vikas Evam Prathayein / आदिवासी विकास एवं प्रथाएँ by Mehta, Prakash Chandra / मेहता, प्रकाश चंद्र. Edition: 1st Ed.Publication details: New Delhi Discovery Publishing House 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Literature H891.1 MEH/Adi.
Parampara Ka Mulyankan / परम्परा का मूल्यांकन by Sharma, Ram Bilas / शर्मा, रामविलास. Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Essays H891.1 SHA/Par.
Premchand: Samant Ka Munshi / प्रेमचंद- सामंत का मुंशी by Dharmveer / धर्मवीर. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem (1)Location, call number: GCQ-Hindi Alochana M891.4609 DHA/Pre.
Bagoogoshe by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories H891.4303/DIP/BAG.
Maskhhare Kabhi Nahin Rote by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories H891.4303/DIP/MAS.
Matam by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi Short Stories H891.4303/DIP/MAT.
Bal Bhagwan by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories 891.4303/DIP/BAL.
Ashwarohi by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories H891.4303/DIP/KIR.
Kisi Apriya Ghatna Ka Samachar Nahin by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories H891.4303/DIP/KIR.
Tamasha by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Stories 891.4303/DIP/TAM.
Number 57 Squadron by Deepak, Swadesh. Publication details: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: St. Xaviers College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: Hindi - Novels H891.4303/DIP/NUM.