V. S. Naipal vol.I Critiacal Essays by Ray, M. K. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 824 RAY/I.
V. S. Naipal (Vol- 3) by Ray M. K. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 824 RAY/III.
Indian Poetry And Fiction VOL. I Critical Elucidations by Prasad , A. Publication details: New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820.9 PRA/I.
Post Independence Indian Writing In English by Agrawal , A. Publication details: New Delhi: Autors Press, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820/ AGR/POS.
chasiram kotwal by tendulkar, vijay | tendulkar, vijay. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi oxford university press 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (5)Location, call number: English 894 TEN/GHA, ... Fr. Agnel college of Arts & Commerce, Pillar (1)Location, call number: 822 ten.
The New International Websters Pocket Spelling Dictionary by Webster. Publication details: New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2001Availability: Items available for reference: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: English 823.03 WEB/WEB.
Landmarks of English Literature by Nicoll, Henry. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820.9 NIC/LAN.
Feminist perpectives in the novels of Toni Morrison, Michele Roberts & Anita Dessai by Sengupta, Jayita. Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Atlantic Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 SEN/FEM. Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Khandola, Marcela (1)Location, call number: 808.83 SEN/FEM.
Reaserch Methodology in English by Chitrangad, Sinita. Publication details: New Delhi: Omega Publications, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 CHI/RES.
History of English prose & Fiction by Tuckerman, Bayard. Publication details: New Delhi: Srishti Book Distributors, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 809 TUC/HIS.
Outline of American Literature by Beers,H. Publication details: New Delhi: Srishti Book Distributors, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 811 BEE/OUT.
Landmarks of English Literature by Nicolc ,h. Publication details: New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 NIC/LAN.
Modern English Prose by Boas, Guy. Publication details: New Delhi: Abhinav Prakashan, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 BOA/MOD.
Writing to Communication by Nagaraj, Geetha. Publication details: Foundation Books: New Delhi; 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 425 NAG/WRI.
Every day Dialogue in English by Dixon, Robert J. Publication details: New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 425 DIX/ENG.
Art of Communication in English by Bhatia, H.S. Publication details: New Delhi: Ramesh Publishing House, Availability: Not available: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji: Checked out (1).
GREAT HINDI SHORT STORIES by SINHA, R.N. Publication details: NEW DELHI: ANUBHUTI FOUNDATION MISSION, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 823 SIN/GRE.
Post Colonial Literature Essays on Gender,Theory and Genres. by Bhattacharjee ,s. Publication details: New Delhi: Akansha Publishing House, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 BHA/POS.
Contemporary American Literature by Bhongle, R. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 811 BHO/CON.
Scott fitzgerald's fiction A study in social change by Sawney, B. Publication details: New Delhi: Khosla Publishing House, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 813 SWA/SCO.
The Novels of Soul Below by Kumar, Dinesh. Publication details: New Delhi: Khama Publishers, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 813 KUM/NOV.
Post-Independence Indian English Fiction by Mittapalli, Rajeshwar. Publication details: New Delhi; Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 823 MIT/POS.
Modern UGC NET: English Literature by A team of experts. Publication details: New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 820 UGC/ENG.
Amitav Ghosh: A Crirtical Study by Nagarajan, B. K. Publication details: New Delhi: Omega Publications, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 829 NAG/AMI.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF COMMON WEALTH LITERATURE VOL. I by DAS,AJAY. Publication details: New Delhi: Omega Publications, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 801 DAS/I.
Encyclopaedia of Commonwealth literature (vol.2) by DAS, II. Publication details: New Delhi: Omega Publication, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 801 DAS/II.
Encyclopaedia of Commonwealth Literature by Das, Ajay. Publication details: New Delhi: OmegaPublishers, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 801 DAS/III.
HISTORY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE by SINHA, P.K. Publication details: New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 819 SIN/HIS.
READING ABILITY AND SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT by SRIVASTAVA R.P. Publication details: Cpmmonwealth Publishers, New Delhi: 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 420 SRI/REA.
TEACHING ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE by GEORGE S. Publication details: NEW DELHI: COMMONWEALTH PUBLISHERS PVT. LTD., 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 420 GEO/TEA.
Critical Responses To Kiran Desai by Sinha, S. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 824 SIN/CRI.
LITERARY CRITICISM by DATTANAYAK B. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English UGC 809 PAT/LIT.
LITERARY CRITICISM: AN INTRODUCTION by DAS, AJAY. Publication details: New Delhi: Murari Lal & Sons, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 809 DAS/LIT.
STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE by PATIL M. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 810 PAT/STU.
CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LITERATURE by PRADHAN R.P. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 PRA/CON.
CRITICAL RESPONSES TO KIRAN DESAI by SINHA S | Reynolds, Bryan. Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Ditributors (P) Ltd., @2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820.9 SIN/CRI.
AMERICAN LITERATURE TODAY by BALA ,SUMAN. Publication details: New Delhi: Intellectual Publishing House, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 814 BAL/AME.
The Bluest Eye by Sahukar, P.M. Publication details: New Delhi: Asia Book Club, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 823 SAH/BLU.
American Literature Today by Bala, S. Publication details: New Delhi: Intellectual Publishing House, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 814 BAL/AME.
SOUL BELLOW The Art of Urban Experience by SHARMA, C.M. Publication details: Creative Books: New Delhi, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 SHA/SOU.
INDIAN ENGLISH WRITING The Autobiographical Mode by SODHI, MEENA. Publication details: New Delhi: Creative Books, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820 SON/IND.
FEMINISM from mary Wollstonecraft to Betty Friedan by SHUKLA B.A. Publication details: New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Dempo Charities Trusts Dhempe College of Arts & Science , Miramar - Panaji (1)Location, call number: English 820.9 SHU/FEM.