Hee Shreenchi Ichha by Thanedar,Shree. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: USA Chemir Inc. 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 891.463.
service marketing the indian prespective by shanker,ravi. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi excel books 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.809.
financial management theory and practice by chandra, prasanna. Edition: 5Language: English Publication details: new delhi tata McGraw- hill publishing company 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.152.
financial management theory and practice by chandra, prasanna. Language: English Publication details: new delhi tata McGraw- hill publishing company 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.152.
Financial management theory and practice by Chandra prasanna. Language: English Publication details: New DElhi Tata Mcgraw hill publishing company limited 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.152.
finanacial management text problems and cases by khan m y. Edition: 4Language: English Publication details: new delhi tata mcgraw hill publishing company ltd 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.152.
accountancy 2 by paul, Edition: 6Language: English Publication details: calcutta new central book agency (p) ltd. 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.046.
advanced accountancy by jain,s.p. Series: vol.1Edition: 15Language: English Publication details: new delhi kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: jai/nar.
advanced accountancy by jain,s.p. Series: vol.1Edition: 15Language: English Publication details: new delhi kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: jai/adv.
principles and practice of auditing by pagare, dinkar. Edition: 27Language: English Publication details: new delhi sultan chand& sons 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.45.
principles and practice of auditing by pagare, dinkar. Language: English Publication details: new delhi sultan chand& sons 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.45.
Current trends in enterpreneurship by Mohan, S. Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Deep and Deep publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.4.
Current trends in enterpreneurship by Mohan, S. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Deep and Deep publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.4.
Current trends in enterpreneurship by Mohan, S. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Deep and Deep publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.4.
Current trends in enterpreneurship by Mohan, S. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Deep and Deep publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.4.
Current trends in entrepreneurship by Mohan S. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Deep &Deep publication 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.04.
entrepreneurship and economic development by rao, j.v prabhakara. Language: English Publication details: delhi kanishka publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.04.
entrepreneurship and economic development by rao, j.v prabhakara. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: delhi kanishka publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.04.
Entrepreneurship and economic development by Rao Prabhakara J V. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Kanishka publisher distributors 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 338.04.
advanced accountancy by jain,s.p. Series: vol.1Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: new delhi kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: jai/acc.
advanced accountancy by jain,s.p. Series: vol.1Edition: 15Language: English Publication details: new delhi kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: jai/nar.
advanced accountancy vol- I by jain,s.p. Edition: 15Language: English Publication details: new delhi kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.046.
Advanced accountancy Vol1 by Jain S P. Edition: 15Language: English Publication details: New DElhi Kalyani publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.046.
cost accounting methos and problems by Bhar B K. Edition: 27Language: English Publication details: Kolkata Academic publisher 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.42.
Business policy and strategic management by Rao Subba. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.
frontiers of electronic commerce by whinston, kalakota. Edition: 2Language: English Publication details: pearson education 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 1.64404.
economics a current features by sharma, n.k. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: jaipur mark publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 330.
business startegic management by mishra, sanjeev kumar. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi peral books 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.11.
urbanisation and health by narasaiah,m.l. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi discovery publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 361.04.
Mathematics for BCA by Rajput R.K. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 510.
financial accounting reporting and analysis by pradhan, sudhakar. Language: English Publication details: delhi pearl books 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 657.48.
a textbook of mathematical economics by george, mary. Language: English Publication details: delhi discovery publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 510.33.
swamy's complation of FRSR by muthuswamy. Series: vol.1Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
fundamental rules and supplementary rules by muthuswamy. Edition: 9Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
central treasury by muthuswamy. Edition: 19Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
new pension scheme by muthuswamy. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
revised pay rules by muthuswamy. Edition: 3Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
house building advance rules by muthuswamy. Edition: 41Language: English Publication details: new delhi swamy publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.1.
business law for management by bulchandani, k.r. Edition: 21Language: English Publication details: delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 346.0664.
Business law for management by Bulchandani K R. Edition: 5Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Himalaya publishing house pvt ltd 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 346.065.
business law for management by bulchandani, k.r. Edition: 5Language: English Publication details: delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 346.0664.
international trade and export management by cherunilam, francis. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: mumbai himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.827.
International trade and export management by Cherunilam Francis. Language: English Publication details: Mumbai Himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 351.827.
management of indian financial institutions by srivastava, prem kumar. Edition: 17Language: English Publication details: new delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 332.1.
environmental management by jadhav, h.v. Edition: 11Language: English Publication details: new delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 574.5.
environmental management by jadhav, h.v. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 574.5.
environmental management by jadhav, h.v. Edition: 1Language: English Publication details: new delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 574.5.
advertising theory and practice by chunawalla, s.a. Language: English Publication details: delhi himalaya publishing house 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 659.1.
the effective presentation by kaul, asha. Language: English Publication details: new delhi a divisition of sage publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.452.
Corporate social responsibility in India by Agarwal Sanjay K. Edition: 11Language: English Publication details: New Delhi SAGE 2008Availability: Items available for loan: S. Vs Sridora Caculo College of Commerce & Management Studies, khorlim, Mapusa (1)Location, call number: 658.4080954.