The Cambridge History of India : British India - 1 - New Delhi CHAND AND COMPANY (PVT) LTD 1987 - 690 p;

History: Portuguese in India, French Factories in India, East India Company, War of the Austrian Succession, Dupleix and Bussy, Bengal 1760-72, East India Company and the State, Early Reforms of Warren, External relations and the Rohilla war, Hastings and his Colleagues, First Conflict of the company with the Marathas, Carnatic, Chait Singh The Begams of Oudh and Faizulla Khan, Impeachment of Warren Hastings, Legislation and Governments, Exclusion of the French, Tipu Sultan, Oudh and the Carnatic, Final Struggle with the Marathas, Maratha Administration, Conquest of Ceylon, Revenge Administration of Bengal, Bengal Administrative System, Madras District System and Land Revenue to 1818, Afghanistan, Russia and Persia, Conquest of Sind and the Panjab, Indian States, Development of Sovereignty in British India.
