The Cambridge History of India : Ancient India
- 1
- 684 p;
History: Sub-Continent of India, Peoples and Languages, Aryans, Age of the Rigveda Period of the Later Samita's, The Brahmanas, The Aranyakas and The Upanishads. The History of the Jains, The History of the Buddhists, Economic Conditions According to Early Buddhist Literature, The Period of the Sutras Epic and Law-Books, Family Life and Social Customs as they appear in the Sutras, The Growth of Law and Legal Institutions, Puranas, Persian Dominions in Northern India Down to the Time of Alexander's Invasion, Alexander the Great, India in Early Greek and Latin Literature, Hellenic Kingdoms of Syria, Bactria, and Parthia, Chandragupta the Founder of the Maurya Empire, Political and Social Organisation, ACOKA the Imperial Patron of Buddhism, Indian Native States after the Period of the Maurya Empire, Successor of Alaxender the Great, Scythian and Parthian Invaders, The Early History of Southern India, Early History of Ceylon, Monuments of Ancient India.