Chambers,Ellie Gregory,Marshall

Teaching and Learning English Literature - London Sage Publications 2006 - 228 p 24 x 16 cm

The Discipline Today What Is Good Teaching? Teaching Literary Theory and Teaching Writing Planning for Teaching
Curriculum and Course Design

Methods of Teaching Student Assessment Evaluating Teaching
Future Trends

Teaching and Learning English Literature presents a comprehensive overview of teaching English Literature from setting teaching goals and syllabus planning, through to a range of student assessment strategies and methods of course evaluation and improvement. A range of teaching methods are explored, from the traditional classroom, to newer collaborative work and uses of electronic technologies. Set in the context of the modern classroom Teaching and Learning English Literature will help both seasoned and less experienced faculty members become more informed, and better teachers of their subject.

The book includes discussion of:
The way Literature as a discipline is currently understood and constituted
What it means to study and learn the subject
What 'good teaching' is, at a time of reduced resources, increasing student numbers, and an emphasis on 'user-pay' principles and vocationalism


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