Akhriya, Laxmi

Plant Pathology - Jaipur Literature House Jaipur 2022 - 296

plant pathology, physiology of diseased plant, viruses as plant pathogens, parasitic green algae and plant pathogen, plant pathogenic bacteria, parasitic nematodsAngular leaf spot, animal disea, aster yellow,bacteria, bacterial blight, bacterial diseases, bacterial gall, bean mosiac, cane gall, casual organism, cell content, cell membrane, chlamdospore, crown gall, de bary, disease cycle, ecology entensive blight, fermentation, fungus, gemmae, hairy root, heterothallism, host rang, leaf spot, little peach, modification, mushroom, mycelium, mycology, nutrition, parasite, pathogen, peach yellow, poisonous fungi, potato mosaic, rhizopogon rubescen, sclerotia, spores, sporophore, spotted wilt, susceptibility, varietal resistance, xylostromata, yeast
