Havell, E. B.

The History of Aryan Rule in India From Earliest Time to The Death of Akbar - 1 - Delhi SUNITA PUBLICATIONS 1989 - 283 pg; HB;


Aryans and non-Aryans in vedic India, the epic age, the Buddha as a statesman ans social reformer, the Buddhist and Jain Alexanders raid, the Mauryan empire, Asoka, Mauryan art, the breakup of the Mauryan empire and the turki invasions, the aryanisation of southern india-the kushan empire, the Gupta empire, India in Gupta times, the huns in india-gupta art and architecture, harsha and the hegria, Mahmud of ghazni, the afghans and Turkish sultans of Delhi, firuz shah, the psychological effects of the Muhammad conquest, break-up of the Delhi empire, the Turkish dynasty of bijapur, fall of vijaynagar, babur, humayun, Sher shah reign and the restoration of the mogul dynasty, Akbar : the protectorate of bairam khan, Akbar as ruler of aryavarta, the din-ilahi,
