Gupta, Shashi K. ; Shrma, R.K. and Gupta, Neeti

Management Accounting : Principles and Practice - 14 rev - New Delhi; Kalyani Publisher 2017 - 36.29, 12 p; Pb;



nature and scope of management accounting, financial statements, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, statement of changes in financial position, cost concept: analysis and behaviour, absorption and marginal costing, budgeting for profit planing and control, standard costing and variance analysis, activity based costing,price level accounting (Inflation accounting),human resource accounting,financial management,financiation planning-1,financial planning-II,capital structure planning,cost of capital,leverage analysis,sources of finance,working capital management and finance-I,working capital management-II,dividend policy and decision,cash flows for investment analysis: concepts and capital budgeting,social cost benefit analysis,lease financing and hire purchase,corporate and financial restructing,mergers, takeovers and acquisitions,management information system and reporting,cost aduit and management audit,contemporary issuses in management accounting
