Vinacke, Harold M.

A History of Far East in Modern Times - 6 - Ludhiana KALYANI PUBLISHERS 1989 - 877 pg; PB;



History, China under the Manchus, the opening of China, The foreign impact: 1860-1894, the opening of japan, Japan in transition: 1868-1894, the contest for Korea, cutting the Chinese melon, the Russo-Japanese war, financial imperialism in China, reform and revolution in China , the phantom republic: 1912-1926, the progress of China: economic and social, the nationalist revolution, the east and west:1830-1930, Japan in Manchuria, overture to war, the second Sino-Japanese war, international relations: july 1937-december 7, 1941, the pacific war, post war china, the peoples republic, the postwar Korean problem, post surrender japan, southeastern Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia
