Sarkar, Subhas

Education in India A Perspective - 1 - Culcutta WORLD PRESS PVT LTD 1978 - 140p;

Education : National education with a production bias,the crisis in our education,the urgency of social education a vital issue of democracy,research in universities: priorities and motivation,ills of our examination system-1,adult education in india,some aspects of administration in education,problem of good text-books,teaching profession X-rayed,change in the basic pattern of education,student unrest-a challenge to education,education and work-experience,a uniform language policy in education,the teacher and the taught,the craze for studies abroad,some recent problems of teaching english,ills of examination system-2,co-curricular activities in calcutta colleges,humanities in technical institutes,there are inspired teachers: seek them out,what is basically wrong with our education,re-orientation of teacher-training in india,pattern of school curriculum,vocational guidence bias in education,Basic education calls for re-orientation,students problems,lack of seriousness among students,when youths cease to be youthful,religious and moral education in india,education of women in india: a new perspective,correspondence course and its prospects in india, a universal, free and compulsory primary education
