Fernandes, James

In Quest of Freedom - 1st - New Delhi CONCEPT PUBLISHING COMPANY 1990 - 148 pg; HB;

Goan History



Goan History, a meeting across the wild ghats, a strange encounter in the jungle, return to goa, memories of companion in the struggle, more meetings across the border, a brush with a police party, my arrest, in mapusa police custody: i taste prison and face the first police interrogator, two intresting prisoners: studies in contrast, at police headquaters: in the midst of tribulations, kindeness from stranger, interrogation resumed: i meet an an unusaual police investigator, a three month ordeal: an account of life in panjim police prison, some light interludes, tribute to an enigmatic enemy, white and negro sentinels, visites by the portuguese red cross and an italian journalist, transfer to aguada fort prison
