Judicial Reforms in India - Issues and Aspects - 1 - New Delhi ACADEMIC FOUNDATION 2007 - 330 pg; HB;



Political Science, introduction: issues and aspects of judicial reforms in India, what can be rule of the law variable, legal structure and economic freedom of states in India, justice and the poor: does the poverty of law explain elusive justice to poor, contemporary views on access to justice in India, delays in the administration of justice, the problem of court congestion: Evidence from indian lower courts, legal reforms and economic development in India: case of alternative dispute resolution, pursuing best practice levels of judicial productivity- An international perspective on case backlog and delay reduction in India, The reduction of case Backlog in the courts: A framework of strategy, driving transformation: the elements in achieving tranformation court through technology, technology and its impact on backlog and delay reduction, crime deterrence and the need for reforms: An analysis of Indian states.
