Mckinley, Albert E. ; Howland, Arthur C. & Dann, Mathew L.

World History - 1 - New Delhi ATLANTIC PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 1994 - 424 pg; HB;



Civilization of the Mediterranean World in Ancient Times, The Middle Ages in Europe, Europe rediscovers the way to progress, the protestant revolution in religion, England on the way to self-government, divine right monarchies on the continent, European civilization expands overseas, the great politicaland economic revolutions, the eve of the french revolution, the french revolution reforms France and Stips Europe (1789-1799), the era of nepoleon (1799-1815), the industrial revolution, the industrial revolution spreads to the continent and to America, nationalism, democracy and economic rivalry, history making forces after napoleons time, trying to undo the work of the revolutions, Europe again in revolution (1848-1849), France seeks prestige through a restored empire, Italy becomes a united nations, Germany is united and becomes an autocratic empire
