Bhowmik, Debesh

Essays On international Money. - 1st - New Delhi DEEP & DEEP PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD. 2003 - 349 p;


Economics: sterling as international money,behaviour of british BPOs during 1820-1913,end of dollar hegemony,behavioour of us exports imports and trade balance during 1820-1913,international monetary system,u.s.s.r. and socialist economic integration in perestroika,problems and prospects of maastricht treaty;its impact on india and other LIES,regional trading blocs and international money,analytical framework of global monetary policy,monetary co-operation of sSAARC;aplan for a single currency,the convergence criteria towards the euro;an analysis,W.T.O.regional economic integration and india,imperialism and W.T.O. a view from labour standard and environment,exchange rate policy, IMF and the developing countries,characteristics of macro -economics and exchange rate regimes in india,behaviour of us $per ECUexchange rate during 1987-97
