Dubey, S. N.

Political Science Theory - 1 - Agra LAXMI NARAYAN AGARWAL 1996 - 483 pg; HB;


Political Science, nature and scope of political science, mothodology of political science, relations with other sciences, the state and its elements, the origin of the state, the nature of the state, the purpose and function of the state, the constitutions, classification of the government, forms of government, Aristocracy, the electorate, representation, the legislative, the executive, judiciary, local self government, political parties and pressure group, public opinion, sovereignty, law and punishment, rights and duties, liberty, equality and property, citizenship, individualism, utilitarianism, liberalism, welfare state and secular state, idealism, Marxism and Leninism, Anarchism and sydicalism, guild socialism and democratic socialism, fascism and national socialism, the political thought of Mahatma Gandhi, nation, nationality and nationalism, imperialism and internationalism, international organisation
