Foroux, Darius

Focus On What matters: A Collection of Stoic Letters On Living Well - 1st ed - Haryana, Penguin Random House India Pvt.Ltd, 2023 - 273 Pg

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1. The Inner World
2. The Outer World

Focus on What Matters is a collection of 70 letters/essays I wrote about different aspects of life, from happiness, wealth, health to relationships and much more.
These letters, inspired by the original works of the Stoic philosopher Seneca, serve as reminders to focus on the right things in our chaotic lives.
The goal of the original "Letters From A Stoic" by Seneca was to share Stoic ideas with his friend, Lucilius, who had hedonistic tendencies and lived a busy life.
Focus on What Matters is inspired by those letters. It will show you..
• Simple thought exercises to become resilient and focused
• How to live in the present moment every day
• Authentic Stoic values for a life of happiness
• A way to build more discipline



General Reading
