Foroux, Darius

Win Your Inner Battles - 1st ed - Haryana, Penguin Random House India Pvt.Ltd, 2016 - 130 Pg Pb

Book Purchased Under BCOM Funds @ 199/-,with bill no: 351, dtd: 29/07/2024

1. Book One: Inner Warfare
2. Book Two: Control
3. Book Three: Purpose

This Book Say 's about ,Do you want to change your career? Start a business? Stop losing sleep over a deadline? End your relationship? Or maybe, just live a fulfilling life? Everyone has goals and ambitions in life. But we often don't pursue our inner desires because of one thing: Fear and a lack of self-confidence.

In Win Your Inner Battles, I will show you how to destroy fear and live your life with a sense of purpose.

You’ll learn how to:

Conquer fear
Improve self-confidence
Stop worrying
And live life on YOUR terms

I wrote this book based on my own experiences. No matter how bad your situation is, there is always a way out.



General Reading
