Aswathappa .K

International human resource management : text and cases - 3rd ed. - Tamil Nadu: McGraw Hill Education ( India) Pvt ltd 2021 - 400


Understanding the Nature and scope of human resource management, Context of Human Resource Management, Integrating HR strategy with business strategy, Human resource planning, Job design,job evaluation and job crafting, Recruitment talent, Selecting right talent, Trainning and development, career management and talent management, Appraising and managing performance, Employee engagement, empowerment and managing employee experience, Employee safety, health and well being, Compensation management, Incentive Payments, Managing benefits and services, Executive pay, Industrial relations,disputes and trade unions, Labour laws, Auditing HR effectiveness, Digitalisation of HRM, International human resource management, Human resource management in MSME sector, Organisational culture, Etics in human resource management