
Oceanography - Allahabad Sharda Pustak Bhawan 2012

1.Oceanogrpahy: Definition and Scope
2.A Historical Background of the Development of Oceanography
3.The morphology of the Ocean Bottom
4. Bottom relief of the Oceans
5.The physical and chemical characteristics of Ocean Water
6.Temperature of the Oceans
7.Salinity of Ocean Water
8.Density of Ocean Water
9.Ice in the Sea
10.Water Masses
11.Marine Deposits
12.Coral Reef
13.Oceaninc Waves
14.Landforms shaped by Waves and Currents
16.General Character and origin of Ocean Currents
17.Currents of the Pacific and Indian Oceans
18.Currents of the Atlantic Ocean
19.Man and Marine Resources
20.Global Warming



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