
Introduction to Differential Equations - 3rd Edition - Kolkata Books and Alllied 2023

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Chapter 2: Equations of first order and first degree: Trajectories
Chapter 3: Equations of first order but not of first degree, singular solutions and extraneous loci
Chapter 4: Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients: Methods of undetermined coefficients
Chapter 5: Higher order Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations (cauchy-Euler and Legendre's Equations)
Chapter 6: Exact differential Equations,some special types of Differential Equations
Chapter 7: Second order Linear differential equations with variable coefficients
Chapter 8: Second order Initial-Value,Boundary-value and Eigen -value Problems
Chapter 9: Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations
Chapter 10: System of differential Equations
Chapter 11: Planer Linear Autonomous system Phase Plane
Chapter 12: Total Differential Equations
Chapter 13: Partial differential Equations of First order
Chapter 14: Partial differential Equations of Second order
Chapter 15: Series solution of Second order Linear differential Equation with variable coefficients
Chapter 16: The Laplace Transform



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