Haque, Ziaul

Revelation and Revolution in Islam - 1 - New Delhi ATLANTIC PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 1989 - 259 pg; HB;


History, Quranic concepts of revelation and revolution,the social mission of prophet-revolutionaries, the prophet-revolutionaries and proletariate, the concepts of jihad, hijra and social equality, what is truth?, adam-the first prophet who fought against ignorance and evil, nuh-the prophet who led the poor, hud-the prophet who defied the arrogant, saliha and his fight for the social quality, ibrahim -the prophet who proclaimed truth and justice, yousuf: the prophet who presevered in adversity, shuayb and his struggle against economic injustice, musa-the prophet who led the weak, Muhammad-the last prophet revolutionaries, two moralities: revolutionaries and fedudalist capitalist, prophets and revolutionaries
