OSN Academy

Literary Terms - 1st edition - Lucknow OSN Academy 2017 - 100p. Soft Bound/Paper Binding

To provide a fairly comprehensive understanding of literature and to provide illustration and examples, literary terms play a crucial role. Most of the English terms are drawn from Greek, Latin, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, old French etc. This file “Literary Terms” contains the technical terms, forms (sonnets, Villanale) , Genres (Elegy, pastoral), Groups, schools and movements (Pre-Raphelites, Decadents), well-known phrases (e.g. Willing Suspension of disbelief, negative capability), isms (eg. Realism, primitivism, Platonism), motifs or themes., modes, attitudes and Styles (Irony, grotesque, sentimental comedy), concepts (e.g. Sincerity, the sublime, concrete, decorum etc). Every term is provided with the full illustration. It allows to explore the dictionary of the literary to enhance the world of Literature, the Ages and the authors.


English, English Literature, Literary

803 / OSN/ENG