Foreign Exchange International Finance Risk Management

Rajwade,A.V. and Desai,H.G.

Foreign Exchange International Finance Risk Management - 6rep - Mumbai: Shroff Publishers 2022 - 408p; PB;



commerce business finance converting one currency to another: basic concepts, today's foreign markets and practices, exchange arithmetic: spot forwards and forex swaps, exchange rate movements: are markets "efficient"? currency trading strategies, the rupee exchange market, cross border finance: sovereign perspectives, cross-border financial markets: banks, cross-border financial market, derivatives: an overview, currency futures forward rate agreements and interest rate futures, interest rate and currency swaps: the global market, USD: INR swaps, option contracts, non -standard options option-based structures and trading strategies, credit and commodity derivatives risk management in banks: trading book, corporate risk management policies: currencies and interest rates, exchange regulations and accounting standards, misuses of and losses in derivatives,: some cases,

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