Intellectual Property Law


Intellectual Property Law - 3rev - Kolkata: Eastern Law House 2022 - 647p; PB,



commerce business law introduction, how to obtain a patent, product patents in respect of medicine and drug, specification, opposition proceedings to grant of patents, register of patents and patent office, rights and obligations of a patentee, transfer of patent rights, compulsory licences licenses of rights and revocation for non-working, government use of inventions, revocation and surrender of patents, infringement of patents, threat of infringement proceedings, offences and penalties and miscellaneous matters, the patents (amendment) act 2005, industrial designs, trade marks, trade marks registry and register of trade marks, property in the trade mark and registration of trade marks, property in a trade mark and registration of trade marks, similar near resemblance and deceptively similar, assignment and transmission, licensing of trade marks and registered users, rectification of register, infringment threat and trade libel ,goodwill, passing off, offences and penalties, miscellaneous matters, salient features of the copyright(amendment)act 2012, nature of copyright, subject-matter of copyright, term of copyright, author and ownership of copyright, rights conferred by copyright, rights of broadcasting organisations ts relating to intellectualproperty,and of performers, assignment transmission and relinquishment of copyright, licenses, publication and public, infringement of copyright, iremedies against infringement of copyright, international copyright, copyright societies, copyright office appellate board registration of copyright and appeals, confidential information breach of confidence& know-how, new acts relating to intellectual property


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