Modern Accountancy

Mukherjee, A. & Hanif, M.

Modern Accountancy - 4 - New Delhi TATA McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 1996 - 1110 p;


Accounting: the language of business,journal and ledger,accounting concepts and conventions,the trial balance,cash book,bank reconcilation statement,subsidiary books of account,capital and revenue expenditure and receipts,bad debts, provision for bad and doubtful debts,depreciation,inventories,bills of exchange,consignment accounts,joint venture accounts,final accounts,rectification of errors,manufacturing- account and cost statement,accounting for non-profit organization,average due date and account current,sectional and self-balancing system,single entry system,partnership-1: appropriation of profit and loss,partnership-2: admission of a partner,partnership-3: retirement of a partner,partnership-4:death of a partner,partnership -5: dissolution of the firm,partnership-6:amalgamation of firms and conversion/sale to a company,company accounts : accounting for issue of shares,issue of bonus and right shares,redemption of preference shares,issue and redemption of debentures,accounts of professional men,accounting for co-operative societies,accounting of local governments- municipalities and panchayats


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