History of Ancient India

Chaudhary, K. G.

History of Ancient India - 1 - Culcutta NEW CENTRAL BOOK AGENCY (P) LTD, 1982 - 454 pg; HB;


History, pro history and proto-history in india, the indus civilisation, The Aryan and Aryans civilisation, Age of sixteenth mahajanapadas, the post vedic religious and political evolution, foreign invasion of India, the mauryas, post mouryas dynasties, the Yavanas, the seythians, the parthians, the Kushanas, the Gupta empire, the Maukharis and the Pushyabhutis, general review, economic conditions, Art and architecture, Bengal from earliest time, Bengal under the Palas and Senas, South Indian kingdoms: the Rastrakutas: Chalukyas: the great Pallavas and cholas.


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