Collected Poems

Yeats, W.B

Collected Poems - 1 - New Delhi; Macmillan Collector's Library 2017 - 476 P; PB;


Song of the happy shepherd,sad shepherd,cloak boat and the shoes,anashuya and vijaya,indian upon god,indian to his love,falling of the leaves,ephemera,madness of king goll,stolen child,to an isle in the water,down by the salley gardens,meditation of the old fisherman,ballad of father o'hart,ballad of moll magee,ballad of the foxhunter,rose upon the rood of the time,fergus and the druid,cuchulain's fight with the sea,rose of the world,rose of peace,rose of battle,afacry song,lake isle of innisfree,cradle song,pit of love,sorrow of love,when you are old,white birds,dream of death,countess cathleen in paradise,who goes with fergus,man who dreamed of faeryland,dedication to a book of stories selected from the irish novelists,lamenation of the old pensioner,ballad of father gilligan,two tress,to some i have talked with by the fire,to ireland in the coming times,hosting of the sidhe,everlasting voices,moods,lover tells of the rose in his heart,host of the air,fish,unappeasable host,into the twilight,song of wandering aengus,song of the old mother,heart of the women,kover mourns for the loss of love,mourns for the change that has come upon him and his beloved and longs for the end of the world,he bids his beloved be at peace,he reproves the curlew,he remembers forgotten beauty,a poet to his beloved,he gives his beloved certain rhymes,to his heart bidding it have no fear,cap and bells,valley of the black pig,lover asks forgiveness because of his many moods,he tells of a valley full of lovers,he tells of the perfect beauty,he hears the cry of the sedge,he thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved,the blessed,secret rose,maid quiet,travail of passion,lover pleads with his friend for old friends,lover speaks to the hearers of his song in coming days,poet pleads with the elemental powers,he wishes his beloved were dead,he wishes for the cloths of heaven,he thinks of his past greatness when a part of the constellations of heaven,fiddler of dooney,in the seven woods,the arrow,folly of being comforted,old memory,never give all the heart,withering of the boughs,adam's curse,red hanrahan's song about ireland,old men admiring themselves in the water,under the moon,ragged wood,o do not lovetoo long,players ask for a blessing on the psalteries and on themselves,happy townland,his dream,a woman homer sung,words,no second troy,reconciliation,king and no king,peace,against unworthy praise,fascination of what's difficult,drinking song,coming of wisdom with time,on hearing that the students of our new university have joined the agitation against immoral literature,to a poet who would have me praise certain bad poets imitators of his and mine,the mask,upon a house shaken by the land agitation,at the abbey theatre,at galway races,friend's illness,all things can tempt me,brown penny,grey rock,to a wealthy man,september 1913,to a friend whose work has come to nothing,paudeen,to a shade,when helen lived,on those that hated three beggars,three hermits,beggar to beggar cried,running to paradise,hour before dawn,a song from the playerqueen,realists,mountain tumb,memory of youth,fallen majesty,friends,cold heaven,that the night come,an appointment,magi,dolls,a coat,wild swans at coole,in memory of major robert gregory,an irish airman foresees his death,man improve with the years,collar bone of a hare,under the round tower,solomon to sheba,living beauty,a song,young beauty,young girl,scholars,tom o'roughley,speherd and goatherd,lines written in dejection,the dawn,on woman,fisherman,hawk,memory,her praise,the people,his phoenix,thought from propertius,broken dreams,a deep sworn vow,presences,balloon of the mind,to a squirrel at kyle na no,on being asked for a war poem,in memory of alfred pollexfen,upon a dying lady,ego dominus tuus,prayer on going into my house,phases of the moon,cat and the moon,saint and the hunchback,two songs of a fool,another song of a fool,double vision of michael robartes,michael robartes and the dancer,solomon and the witch,an image from a past life,under saturn,easter 1916,sixteen dead men,rose tree,on a political prisoner,leaders of the crowd,towards break of day,demon and beast,second coming,prayer for my daughter,meditation in time of war,to be carved on a stone at thoor ballylee,sailing to byzantium,the tower,meditations in time of civil war,nineteen hundred and nineteen,the wheel,youth and age,prayer for my son,two songs from a play,fragments,leda and the swan,on a picture of black centaur by edmund dulac,among school children,colonus praise,wisdom,fool by the roadside,owen aherne and his dancers,man young and old,three monuments,all souls night,in memory of eva gore booth and con markiewicz,death,dialogue of self and soul blood and the moon,oil and blood,veronicas napkin,symbols,spilt milk,nineteenth century and after,statistics,three movements,seven sages,crazed moon,coole park 1929,coole and ballylee 1931,for anne gregory,swifts epitaph,at algeciras a meditation upon death,choice,mohini chatterjee,byzantium,mother of god,vacillation,quarrel in old age,results of thought,gratitude to the unknown instructors,remorse for intemperate speech,stream and sun at glendalough,words for music perhaps,woman young and old,parnell's funeral,three songs to the same tune,alternative song for the severed head in the king of the great clock tower,two songs rewritten for the tune's sake,prayer for old age,church and state,supernatural songs,the gyres,lapis lazuli,imitated from the japanese,sweet dancer,three bushes,ladys first song,ladys second song,ladys third song,lovers song,chambermaids first song,chambermaids second song,an acre of grass,what then,beautiful lofty things,crazed girl,to dorothy wellesley,curse of cromwell,roger casement,ghost of roger casement,o'rahilly,come gather round me parnellites,wild old wicked man,great day,parnell,what was lost,the spur,drunken man's praise of sobriety,the pilgrim,colonel martin,model for the laureate,old stone cross,spirit medium,those images,muncipal gallery revisited,are you content,three songs to the one burden,in tara's halls,the statues,news for the deplhic oracle,three marching songs,long legged fly,bronze head,a stick of incense,john kinsella's lament for mrs mary moore,hound voice,high talk,apparitions,nativity,why should not old men be mad,statesman's holiday,crazy jane on the mountain,circus animals desertion,politics,man and the echo,cuchulain comforted,black tower,under ben bulben,


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