Human Resource Management

Sengupta, Amitabha

Human Resource Management - New Delhi Sage Publications 2018 - 473 pgs


CHAPTER 1 Human Resource Management,Introduction,Human Resource Management and Personnel Management,The Importance of Human Resource Management,Models of Human Resource Management,Evolution of Human Resource Management,HRM in india,The Factors Influencing Human Resource Management,Human Resource Management and Line Managers,The HR Competencies,Human Resource Management and Firm Performance,Summary,CHAPTER 2 Human Resource Business Partner,Introduction,Defining HR Business Partnership,Models for Business Partnership,HR Business Partner Role,Managing Critical Relationships,HR Business Partner Competencies,HR Business Partner as an Internal Consultant,Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Beyond HRBP,Summary,CHAPTER 3 Human Resource Planning,Introduction,The Importance of HR Planning,Manpower Planning to HR Planning,Factors Affecting HR Planning,Benefits of HR Planning,HRP Process,Tools for Demand Forecasting,Attributes of an Effective HR Planning,Barriers to HR Planning,the Challenges for HR Planning in India,Summary,CHAPTER 4 Recruitment and Selection,Introduction,Importance of Recruitment,Recruitment Policies,Factors Influencing Recruitment,The Recruitment Process,Evaluation of Recruitment Process,Recruitment Strategy,Selection,Future Trends in Recruitment,Summary,CHAPTER 5 Learning, Training, and Development,Introduction,Training, Learning, and Development,Learning Theories,The Future ot Training, Learning, and Development: Crystal Gazing into the Future World of Learning,Summary,CHAPTER 6 Competency Management,Introduction,The Evolution of Competency Management,What Is Competency?,Classification of Competencies,What is a Competency Dictionary,Competency Life Cycle,Competency Modeling8,Assessment Centers,Pertormance Management,Summary,CHAPTER 7,Employee Engagement,Introduction,impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance,What Is Employee Engagement,Evolution of Employee Engagement,Challenges for Employee Engagement,How to Build an Engaged Workplace?,Measurement of Enmployee Engagement,Strategies to Improve Employee Engagement,Role of HR in Employee Engagement,Summary,CHAPTER 8 Performance Management and Appraisal,Introduction,Objectives of Performance Management,Performance Management and Performance Appraisal,Common Problems with Performance Appraisals,Performance Management Process,Types of Performance Rating Systems,Future ot Pertormance ManaAgement,Summary,CHAPTER 9 Compensation and Benefits,Introduction,Definitions,Total Compensation,Total Rewards System,Forms of Pay,Theories of Compensation,External Factors,Internal Factors,Establishing Pay Rates,Employee Benefits,Summary,CHAPTER 10 Compensation for Special Groups,Introduction,The Supervisors,The Top Executives,The Growth in Executive Compensaton,Determinants of Executve Compensation,Issues in Executive Compensation,The Future of Executive Pay in India,Compensation for Sales Personnel,Compensation tor Scientists engineers in High-Tech Industry,Compensation tor Contingent Workers,New Directions in Developing compensation tor Special Groups,Summary,CHAPTER 11 Industrial Relations,Decent Workplace: International Labor Organization,Industrial Relations,The Objectives of Industrial Relations,Approaches of Industrial Relations Systems,The Actors in Industrial Relations,Indian Context,Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management,Summary,CHAPTER 12 Workplace Legislations, Regulations, and Debates on Labour Law Reforms,Introduction,History and Evolution,Labour Law in India,Workplace Regulations Applicable to Government/ Public Sector,Industrial and Service Jurisprudence,Summary,CHAPTER 13 HR Information System, HR Metrics, and HR Analytics,Introduction,HR Data,Human Resource Information System,HR Metrics,HR Analytics,Summary,CHAPTER 14 Employment Relations,The Definition,Traditional Employment Relations,Actors in the Fray: Role-taking,The New Frameworks for Employment Relations,The Future of Employee Relationas,Summary,CHAPTER 15 Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises,Definition of SMEs,Human Resource Management and Organization Performance in SMEs,The Deterrence in Adoption of Human Resource Management: SMEs and Large Firms,Indian Experience,Impact of Weak Adoption of Human Resource Management in SMEs,Factors Influencing the Adoption of Human Resource Management Practices in SMES,Future of Human Resource Management in SMEs,Summary,CHAPTER 16 Human Resource Management in the Service Sector,Introduction,The Emergence of the Services Sector,Implications for Human Resource Management Function,Difterences Between Services Sector and the Manufacturing Sector,Ditference in Human Resource Management Practices in Services and Manutacturing Sectors,Human Resource Management and Service Quality Correlation,Some Specific Industries in Services Sector,Trade Unions in Services Sector,Models of Union Strategies,Summary,CHAPTER 17 Organization Transformation and the HR Leadership,Introduction,Terminologiesm,Summary,CHAPTER 18 Human Resource Management Innovations,Introduction,Human Resource Management and Innovations,Factors Affecting the Innovation Process in Organizatons,Charactenistics of Human Resource Management Innovations,Conditions Necessary tor Successtul HRMI Implementation,Current Trends in Human Resource Management Innovations,Innovative Human Resource Management Practices in India,How Human Resource Management Practices Contribute to Organizational Innovation,How to Make Human Resource Management Innovations Sustainable

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