Modern Indian History

Mahajan, V.D.

Modern Indian History - 17 rev & enl - New Delhi S. Chand 2014 - 685 pg; PB;



Decline and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire, Rise of Autonomous States, Society and Culture in the Eighteenth Century, The Advent of Europeans in India, Rise and Growth of the English and French East India Companies, The English in Bangal, Warren Hastings, Lord Cornwalls and Sir Johan Shore, Lord Wellesley, Lord Hastings and Amherst, Rise and Fail of the Peshwas, William Bentinck to Auckland, Ellenborough and Hardinge, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and His Successors, Canning to Lytton, Ripon to Elgin, Lord Curzon,The Nationalist Movement in India, Establishment of Pakistan, Leaders of Modern India, Public Service In India, Growth of Local Self Government in India, History of the Press in India, History of Education, Religious and Social Development, The Indian States,The Left Movements in India. Role of Mahatma Gandhi in the nationalist movement, The renaissance in India, political cultural and social impact of british rule, changes in land revenue settlement.


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