The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan

Bridget , and Allchin, Raymond

The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan - 1 - New Delhi FOUNDATION BOOKS 1996 - 379 pg; PB;



Archaeology in South Asia, Constituent Elements, Prehistoric Environments, The Earliest South Asians, Hunter gatherers and Nomadic Pastoralists, The First Agricultural Communities, Indus Urbanism, The Early Indus Period, The Mature Indus Civilization, the mature Indus civilization -2, The Legacy of the Indus Civilization, the aftermath of the Indus civilization in the Indus and Ganges systems, the aftermath of the Indus civilization in peninsular India, the arrival of indo-Aryan speaking people and the spread of the indo-Aryan languages, the iron age and the emergence of classical indian civilization, subcontinental unity and regional diversity.


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