What Are You Doing With Your Life?

Krishnamurti, J

What Are You Doing With Your Life? - 1st ed - UK, Penguim Random House, 2018 - 257 Pg Pb

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1.Your Self and Your Life
2. Self-Knowledge: The Key To Freedom
3. Education, Work and Money

Who are you? What are you? What do you want from life?

One of the world’s great philosophical teachers Krishnamurti offers his inspiring wisdom on many of life’s hurdles from relationships and love to anxiety and loneliness. He answers such questions as ‘What is the significance of life?’ and 'How do I live life to the full?' to reveal the best way of being true to yourself. Read by millions from all walks of life Krishnamurti shows us there is no path no higher authority no guru to follow and that ultimately it is our own responsibility as to how we live our lives.



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