Yashwantrao Chavan Vyaktitva Va Kartutva

Talwalkar Govind

Yashwantrao Chavan Vyaktitva Va Kartutva - first,22 April 2012 - Mumbai Mouj Publication 2012 - 348 Hbk - https://rasiksahitya.com/products/yashwantrao-chavan-vyaktitva-va-kartutva-by-govind-talwalkar .

Chavan was born and spent his early childhood in a village near Satara, in what was then the Bombay Presidency (now in southwestern Maharashtra), the son of farmers. Despite his humble background, he strove to receive an education and entered Rajaram College in Kolhapur in 1934.

Chavan was born and spent his early childhood in a village near Satara, in what was then the Bombay Presidency (now in southwestern Maharashtra), the son of farmers. Despite his humble background, he strove to receive an education and entered Rajaram College in Kolhapur in 1934.

Chavan was born and spent his early childhood in a village near Satara, in what was then the Bombay Presidency (now in southwestern Maharashtra), the son of farmers. Despite his humble background, he strove to receive an education and entered Rajaram College in Kolhapur in 1934.



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