Trailblazers Some Goan Women Achievers

Gracias, Fatima da Silva

Trailblazers Some Goan Women Achievers - Goa Goa 1556 2022 - 348

1. Goan Women in the world of Writting
2. Goan Women in writing : English and French
3. Writers of History in English and Portuguese
4. Writers in Konkani
5. The UN Connection
6. Goan women in Medicine and Other Science
7. Women in the World of Art : Western Music
8. Opera
9.Hindustani Music
10. Women in the World of Art

Clear, concise and highly informative as well as entertaining, these biographies explore the contributions of daring women and offer glimpses into the sometimes surprising personalities behind their brilliant minds. Read the profiles of some of the most fascinating scientists of the twentieth century in their respective fields.


Biography, genealogy & insignia

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