Analytical Microeconomics: Exchange Production Pricing and Welfare

Mukherjee, Sampat, Miller, David

Analytical Microeconomics: Exchange Production Pricing and Welfare - 5th - New Delhi: Global Net Publication 2022 - 648; 19 PB


Explaining the subject matter of economics, Demand and supply: the basics elements,Elasticties of demand and supply, Government intervention in free markets,Utilitarian approach,Consumer surplus, producer surplus and market efficiency,the budget line, indifference curve, rational consumer choice,the demand function, subsititution and income effects-slutsky aporoach vs.hicks approach,revealed prefernce approach,the supply of labour,buying and selling: endowment effect,intertemporal choice: saving and Borrowing,choice under risk and uncertainty,the theory of production,the theory of cost, market morpholy, perfect competition,oligopoly and strategic behaviour,the theory of factor pricing,rent interest and profit,general equilibrium and economics welfare market failure, specialisation and gains from trade, CU questions


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