Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Techniques

Freshney, R.Ian

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Techniques - 5 - New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication 2005

1. Introduction
2. Training Programs
3. Biology of Cultured Cells
4. Laboratory Design and Layout
5. Equipment
6.Aseptic Technique
7. Safety, Bioethics and Validation
8. Culture Vessels and Substrates
9. Defined Media and Supplements
10. Serum-Free Media
11. Preparation and Serilization
12. Primary Culture
13. Subculture and Cell lines
14. Cloning and Selection
15. Cell Separation
16. Characterization
17. Differentiation
18. Transformation and Immortalization
19. Contamination
21. Quantitation
22. Cytotoxicity
23. Culture of specific cell types
24. Culture of Tumor cells
25. Organotypic culture
26. Scale-up
27. Specialized Techniques
28. Problem Solving
29. In Conclusion



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