
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS - New York Addison wesley longman 2001

1An introductions
2 Tools of analysis for international trade models
3 The classical model of international trade
4 The heckscher-Ohlin theory
5 Test of trade model the leontief paradox and its aftermath
6 Tariffs
7 Non tariff barriers and arguments for protections
8 Commercial policy history and practice
9 Preferntial trade arrangments
10 International trade and economics growths
11 An introductions to international finance
12 The balance of payments
13 The foreign exchange market
14 Prices and exchange rates purchasing power parity
15 Exchange rates intrest rate and interests parity
16 Basic theories of the balance payments
17 Exchange rate theory
18 Alternative international monetary standards
19 International banking debts and risk
20 Open economy macroeconomic policy and adjustments

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