Growth, Sustainability and India's Economic Reforms

Srinivasan T.N.

Growth, Sustainability and India's Economic Reforms - New Delhi O.U.P 2011 - XIX, 152

Intrinsic and Instrumental Values, Legacy of the Colonial Era: 1858-1947, Plans for National Development Prior to Independence in 1947, Establishment of the Planning Commission in 1950, The Macroeconomic Crisis of 1966 and Economic Liberalization of 1966-68, Five Year Plans and the License Permit Raj, Brief Recapitulation of the First Lecture, Political Change and Intensification of Controls of LCP, Fiscal Profligacy, Debt Accumulation and the Build-up to the Crisis of 1990-91, Domestic Shocks and Their Economic Consequences, Macroeconomic and Balance of Payments Crisis of 1991, External Events and Reforms, Rationale and Content of the Reforms of 1991, Implementation of Reforms: 1991 to mid-2010, Outcome of Reforms: 1991 to mid-2010, Recapitulation of the Third Lecture, The Onset of the Global Financial Crisis, Salient Features of India's Economy: 1950-2010; Global Financial Crisis, Impact of the Crisis on India and China, Sustainability of Growth, Future Prospects and Conclusions



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