Essentials of Management - An International, Innovation and Leadership Perspective

Koontz, Harold

Essentials of Management - An International, Innovation and Leadership Perspective - 11th - Chennai, McGraw Hill Education ( India) Pvt, 2022 - 509 Pg

Book Purchased Under BBA Funds @ Rs. 845/-

PART 1 The Basis of Management Theory and Practice

1. Management: Science, Theory, and Practice 4
Definition of Management: Its Nature and Purpose 5
Managing: Science or Art? 13
The Evolution of Management Thought 13
History of Selected Managerial Innovations 17
Patterns of Management Analysis: A Management Theory Jungle? 18
The Systems Approach to the Management Process 23
The Functions of Managers 27
Three Management Perspectives: Global, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial 30
The Systems Model of Management and the Organization of This Book 31
Summary 32
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 33
For Discussion 33
Exercises/Action Steps 34
Internet Research 35
Innovation Case 35
Endnotes 36

2. Management and Society: The External Environment,
Social Responsibility, and Ethics 38
Operating in a Pluralistic Society 40
The Technological and Innovative Environments 40
The Ecological Environment 42
The Social Responsibility of Managers 43
Ethics in Managing: An Integrative Approach 50
Ethical Theories 51
Trust as the Basis for Change Management 56
The Digital Revolution Affects the Technological, Economical, Ecological, Social, and Ethical
Environments 57
Summary 58
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 59
For Discussion 60
Exercises/Action Steps 60
Online Research 60
Global Case 61
Endnotes 62

3. Global, Comparative, and Quality Management 64
International Management and Multinational Corporations 65
Country Alliances and Economic Blocs 72
International Management: Cultural and Country Differences 75
Porter’s Competitive Advantage of Nations 84
Global Innovation Indexes 84
Gaining a Global Competitive Advantage through Quality Management 86
Summary 92
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 92
For Discussion 93
Exercises/Action Steps 94
Internet Research 94
Global Case 94
PART 1 CLOSING The Basis of Global and Entrepreneurial Management 96
Endnotes 103

PART 2 Planning

4. Essentials of Planning and Managing by Objectives 108
Types of Plans 110
Steps in Planning 113
Objectives 118
Evolving Concepts in Management by Objectives14 123
Summary 126
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 126
For Discussion 127
Exercise/Action Steps 128
Online Research 128
Global Case 128
Endnotes 129

5. Strategies, Policies, and Planning Premises 130
The Nature and Purpose of Strategies and Policies 131
The Strategic Planning Process 132
The TOWS Matrix: A Modern Tool for Analysis of the Situation 138
Blue Ocean Strategy: In Pursuit of Opportunities in an Uncontested Market 140
The Portfolio Matrix: A Tool for Allocating Resources 142
Major Kinds of Strategies and Policies 143
Hierarchy of Company Strategies 144
Porter’s Industry Analysis and Generic Competitive Strategies 144
Premising and Forecasting 145
Summary 147
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 148
For Discussion 149
Exercises/Action Steps 149
Online Research 150
Endnotes 150

6. Decision Making 152
The Importance and Limitations of Rational Decision Making 153
Development of Alternatives and the Limiting Factor 155
Heuristics in Decision Making 155
Evaluation of Alternatives 156
Selecting an Alternative: Three Approaches 158
Programmed and Nonprogrammed Decisions 160
Decision Making under Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk 161
Creativity and Innovation 163
Summary 167
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 167
For Discussion 168
Exercise/Action Steps 168
Online Research 169
International Case 169
PART 2 CLOSING Global and Entrepreneurial Planning 170
Endnotes 186

PART 3 Organizing

7. The Nature of Organizing, Entrepreneuring, and Reengineering 190
Formal and Informal Organization 192
Organizational Division: The Department 193
Organizational Levels and the Span of Management 193
An Organizational Environment for Entrepreneuring and Intrapreneuring 196
Reengineering the Organization 200
The Structure and Process of Organizing 202
Basic Questions for Effective Organizing 204
Summary 204
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 205
For Discussion 205
Exercises/Action Steps 205
Contents xxxvii
Innovation Case 206
Internet Research 210
Endnotes 210

8. Organization Structure: Departmentation 212
Departmentation by Enterprise Function 213
Departmentation by Territory or Geography 215
Departmentation by Customer Group 217
Departmentation by Product 217
Matrix Organization 219
Strategic Business Units 221
Organization Structures for the Global Environment 222
The Virtual Organization 223
The Boundaryless Organization 224
Choosing the Pattern of Departmentation 225
Summary 226
Key Ideas and Concepts For Review 226
For Discussion 227
Exercises/Action Steps 227
Internet Research 227
Global Case 228
Endnotes 229

9. Line/Staff Authority, Empowerment, and Decentralization 230
Authority and Power 231
Empowerment 232
Line/Staff Concepts and Functional Authority 233
Decentralization of Authority 233
Delegation of Authority 235
The Art of Delegation 235
Recentralization of Authority and Balance as the Key to Decentralization 238
Summary 239
Key Ideas and Concepts For Review 239
For Discussion 240
Exercises/Action Steps 240
Internet Research 241
Innovation Case 241
Endnotes 242

10. Effective Organizing and Organization Culture 244
Avoiding Mistakes in Organizing by Planning 245
Avoiding Organizational Inflexibility 246
Making Staff Work Effective 247
Avoiding Conflict by Clarification 249
Ensuring Understanding of Organizing 252
Promoting an Appropriate Organization Culture 254
Summary 257
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 258
For Discussion 258
Exercise/Action Steps 259
Internet Research 259
Global Car Company Case 259
PART 3 CLOSING Global and Entrepreneurial Organizing 262
Endnotes 267

PART 4 Staffing

11. Human Resource Management and Selection 270
Definition of Staffing 271
The Systems Approach to Human Resource Management: An Overview of the Staffing
Function 272
Situational Factors Affecting Staffing 276
Selection: Matching the Person with the Job 281
The Systems Approach to Selection: An Overview 281
Position Requirements and Job Design 283
Skills and Personal Characteristics Needed in Managers 286
Matching Qualifications with Position Requirements 287
Selection Process, Techniques, and Instruments 289
Orienting and Socializing New Employees 293
Managing Human Resources While Moving Toward 2020 294
Summary 295
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 296
For Discussion 297
Exercises/Action Steps 297
Internet Research 297
Global Case 298
Endnotes 299

12. Performance Appraisal and Career Strategy 300
Choosing Appraisal Criteria 301
Appraising Managers against Verifiable Objectives 302
Appraising Managers as Managers: A Suggested Program 307
A Team Evaluation Approach 309
Application of Performance Review Software 310
Rewards and Stress of Managing 311
Formulating the Career Strategy 313
Summary 319
Key Ideas and Concepts For Review 320
For Discussion 320
Exercises/Action Steps 321
Internet Research 321
Global Case 321
Endnotes 322

13. Managing Change through Manager and Organization Development 324
Manager Development Process and Training 325
Approaches to Manager Development: On-the-Job Training 328
Approaches to Manager Development: Internal and External Training 330
Evaluation and Relevance of Training Programs 335
Managing Change 336
Organizational Conflict 338
Organization Development 339
The Learning Organization 341
Summary 342
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 343
For Discussion 343
Exercises/Action Steps 344
Internet Research 344
Global Case 344
PART 4 CLOSING Global and Entrepreneurial Staffing 347
Endnotes 354

PART 5 Leading

14. Human Factors and Motivation 358
Human Factors in Managing 359
Motivation 361
An Early Behavioral Model: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y 362
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 364
Alderfer’s ERG Theory 366
Herzberg’s Motivation–Hygiene Theory 366
The Expectancy Theory of Motivation 367
Equity Theory 369
Goal Setting Theory of Motivation 370
Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory 371
McClelland’s Needs Theory of Motivation 372
Special Motivational Techniques 373
Job Enrichment 377
A Systems and Contingency Approach to Motivation 378
Summary 379
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 380
For Discussion 380
Exercises/Action Steps 381
Internet Research 381
Innovative Perspective 381
Endnotes 383

15. Leadership 384
Defining Leadership 385
Ingredients of Leadership 386
Trait Approaches to Leadership 388
Charismatic Leadership Approach 389
Leadership Behavior and Styles 389
Situational, or Contingency, Approaches to Leadership 395
Transactional and Transformational Leadership 400
Other Leadership Theories and Approaches 402
Summary 402
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 403
For Discussion 403
Exercises/Action Steps 404
Internet Research 404
Innovation Case 404
Endnotes 407

16. Committees, Teams, and Group Decision Making 408
The Nature of Committees and Groups 409
Reasons for Using Committees and Groups 411
Disadvantages and Misuse of Committees 413
Successful Operation of Committees and Groups 413
Additional Group Concepts 415
Teams 418
Conflict in Committees, Groups, and Teams 419
Summary 420
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 421
For Discussion 421
Exercises/Action Steps 422
Internet Research 422
Global Case 422
Endnotes 424

17. Communication 426
The Purpose of Communication 427
The Communication Process 428
Communication in the Organization 430
Barriers and Breakdowns in Communication 436
Toward Effective Communication 440
Electronic Media in Communication 444
Summary 446
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 446
For Discussion 447
Exercises/Action Steps 447
Internet Research 448
Global Case 448
PART 5 CLOSING Global and Entrepreneurial Leading 450
Endnotes 458

PART 6 Controlling

18. The System and Process of Controlling 462
The Basic Control Process 463
Business Analytics 464
Critical Control Points, Standards, and Benchmarking 465
Control as a Feedback System 467
Real-Time Information and Control 469
Feedforward, or Preventive, Control 470
Control of Overall Performance 473
Profit and Loss Control 474
Control through Return on Investment 474
Management Audits and Accounting Firms 475
The Balanced Scorecard 475
Bureaucratic and Clan Control 476
Requirements for Effective Controls 476
Summary 479
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 480
For Discussion 480
Exercises/Action Steps 481
Internet Research 481
Global Case 481
Endnotes 485

19. Control Techniques and Information Technology 486
The Budget as a Control Device 487
Traditional Nonbudgetary Control Devices 488
Time–Event Network Analyses 489
The Balanced Scorecard 493
Information Technology 494
Opportunities and Challenges Created by Information Technology 497
The Digital Economy, E-Commerce, and M-Commerce 502
Summary 505
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 506
For Discussion 507
Exercises/Action Steps 507
Innovation Case 508
Endnotes 509

20. Productivity, Operations Management, and Total Quality Management 510
Productivity Problems and Measurement 511
Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Service 512
Quality Measurement in the Information Age 513
The Operations Management System 514
Tools and Techniques for Improving Productivity 519
Supply Chain and Value Chain Management 527
Summary 529
Key Ideas and Concepts for Review 530
For Discussion 530
Exercises/Action Steps 531
Internet Research 531
Global Car Industry Case 532

PART 7 CLOSING Global Controlling and Challenges and Entrepreneurial Controlling
Endnotes 542

The thoroughly revised and updated 11th edition of essentials of management: an international, innovation and leadership perspective takes an international and innovative view of management. This edition comprehensively covers foundational and emerging managerial insights and practices. It also emphasises the managerial perspectives found in Silicon Valley. This edition also emphasises the enhancement of the professional profile and network of its readers with creative exercises and online projects.





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